of Utah
Get ready ....for
your Clean window Transformation!
Removing your curtains of dirt
....feels so much better!
Life really is better with clean windows !
Quality and service that is real!
Daniel Finlay's passion for perfection in window cleaning soon begins to apparent as your windows begin to be transformed! He works meticulous anxiously awaiting to see your windows beaming and that shocked look on your face and the satisfaction and smile that just wont go away! He is not there for a quick get in and get out - Extreme Care goes into the quality and your final results... When Dan cleans your windows ... you will never forget what is possible with clean windows! Wow Amazing.. worth taking a picture every time just to remind you that experience was really real!

...Creating & Delivering
The right cleaning recipe for your windows!

Taking off the old stain varnish etc... from years ago
yea .. its sanded !
Applying the sealer after sanding
Oh so much better :)
Using the Edger